Monday 10 October 2011

U.W.I. Law Society at C.O.B. Community Service Efforts

The University of the West Indies at The College of The Bahamas' Law Society has committed to performing a monthly community service in the form of a "Birthday Club" of sorts with the Nazareth Centre, a childrens home located in New Providence.

Our first birthday nod was for a twelve-year old whose birthday was jointly celebrated with one of the Centre's workers, Ms. Smith. We were blessed with a cake for Miss Smith and McDonalds Restaurants kindly donated the birthday boy's special treat. During supper, UWI Law Society at COB President, Elizabeth Mitchell-Daxon read a story from the childhood favourite storybook, Brer Rabbit. Also in attendance were Ulyssemma Plakaris and Audrey Bullard, both Year III LL.B students, who assisted with the "Junkanoo" Happy Birthday song.  A good time was had by all.We can't wait to do it again next month!